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Drug Misuse Therapy & Help In Leeds | Substance Misuse Therapist

Mark Franklin leeds Alcohol & Drug Couns

Substance misuse disorder (SUD) can be clarified as an individual using a particular substance or drug repeatedly, which then leads to the user either harming themselves or others around them.


Start Recovery in Leeds is a recovery program that helps those with a substance use disorder to stop using legal or illegal drugs through specialist drug addiction counselling and help. 


Leeds residents who are addicted to drugs, or who have a problem with a drug, will often have a family intervention of some sort which leads to drug rehabilitation for the user. Drug abuse treatment in Leeds will usually follow one of the pathways below:


  • Leeds drug and alcohol charity based services. Forward Leeds is currently the charity based group of services who provide free drug addiction treatment for peole who live in Leeds and surrounding West Yorkshire areas. Charity based services can be helpful for people who are drug dependant and looking for an alcohol or drug detox or looking to talk to a health professional. Waiting times can be variable and certain crieria may need to be met in order for Leeds residents to access recovery programs or treatment facilities. They may also offer drug counselling in Leeds, although access and number of available sessions are usually limited. I always advise clients to check what the local charity based drug services are currently offering in the area as there are often free treatment programs that people can engage with that can compliment any ongoing private drug counselling. 


  • Residential rehab in Leeds for drug addiction or substance use disorders. If you live in Leeds and you are searching for help with a drug problem then you may be tempted to try to find rehab facilities. Drug rehab and detox facilities in Leeds are fairly limited for a city the size of Leeds. St Annes near Leeds university offers a residential detox and rehab service and, as far as I am aware, is the only residential rehab situated within Leeds city. There are websites claiming that there are private drug rehabs in Leeds, but they are often middlemen companies taking a cut of rehab facilities pricing that are for rehabs in other areas in West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire.


  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Leeds meetings. NA meetings in Leeds follow the 12 step program and can be found here. Peer support groups such as NA can be helpful for Leeds residents who feel that they need support in a group setting. Drug support groups help people to identify with other local people who have been through similar problems with drugs or substance misuse.


  • SMART Recovery Leeds meetings. SMART recovery meetings in Leeds can be found here. SMART Recovery is based around REBT (Rational Emotional Behavioural Therapy), and is most inline with the therapy sessions that are delivered here at Start Recovery. Groups are not for everyone though and some Leeds individuals may prefer to opt for one to one drug or substance misuse counselling sessions.


  • Private specialist one to one drug counselling and help in Leeds. Start Recovery in Leeds offers one to one online, and face to face substance abuse or drug addiction counselling help. Sessesions are based around the indivudals needs and are mainly bassed around CBT and REBT with many areas covered around drug addictions such as urges, cravings and relapse prevention. Research shows that talking therapy such as CBT and REBT around substance use disorders is effective as a treatment, "Evidence from numerous large scale trials and quantitative reviews supports the efficacy of CBT for alcohol and drug use disorders".










Private Substance Use Disorder Help & Counselling Services | Leeds, West Yorkshire

I help Leeds people and their families to look at their addictive behaviours and substance misuse problems. I build trust with individuals in a safe and confidential environment for them to feel that they can express how they are feeling without judgement.


People with a substance use disorder can often feel hugely isolated and unable to verbalise how they are feeling to people who are close to them. It takes time and effort to try to express, identify, acknowledge and accept what has been going on with their drug or addiction problems. I can help people in Leeds with any drug or addictions problem through talking therapy.

The harm that is done from a substance use disorder often builds up over a period of time, and typically; relationships, jobs and interests will start to be negatively affected, also mental and physical health problems may start to occur.


Substances and Substance misuse can include;


  • legal drugs or substances (e.g. alcohol).

  • Illegal drugs or substances, such as opiates (e.g. heroin), stimulants (e.g. cocaine, crack, amphetamines and ecstasy) and cannabis.

  • Prescription drugs or subtances, used in a way not intended by the doctor, are also included under the substance misuse banner.

Misusing Drugs Or Substances Can Lead To Devastating Consequences For The User

Not everybody who take drugs (either legal or illegal) will develop a problem or addictions, and many people will experiment with recreational drugs and alcohol and move on naturally away from the substances, but for some, the behaviours become more ingrained into their everyday lives and culture, leading to possible addiction or dependency.


I use talking therapy to help you to break your addictions to drug use, and help identify your irrational thoughts and behaviours that may be deep-rooted. Nobody chooses to become addicted to a particular substance, and substance abuse usually builds slowly over time with the unconscious mind working away silently strengthening addictive behaviours by rewiring your neurotransmitters and synapses in your brain.


I deliver private substance misuse and addiction counseling in North Leeds, so if you or somebody you know living in the West Yorkshire area is having problems with drugs,  you can contact me on the contact page or click on the contact button below to start your recovery.

Start Recovery

10 Holt Avenue



LS16 8DH


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